Wednesday 1 April 2009

Business Continuity (G20 - London Riots?)

Many offices in the square mile have chosen to close for the day (and tomorrow). Just as when the snow appeared a few weeks ago, many will get to spend their unexpected day off with their kids/friends for lunch or just have a lie in. Many however, will be working from home. As the snow and G20 Summit have shown us, having remote access for workers can be invaluable in keeping businesses running. Business Continuity firms have seen an upturn in business since the week long shut down in February. We live in a technological age where there should be no need to close your doors completely to clients - for any reason.
Saying that, it is important to assess your risk appetite and at the very least think about how much you can afford to lose through "closing your doors" and for how long you can sustain this. If remote access for employees isn't an option, there are simpler ideas out there. e.g redirect phones to mobiles, work from an alternative company office etc.etc.
Let's hope the demonstrations pass peacefully today.

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