Wednesday 5 August 2009

Operational Risk - Harriet Harman - Women in general

What Harriet Harman has said about " Britain should never be governed by men alone...there must always be a woman in control working alongside a man..........if it had been a case of the Lehman Sisters in America rather than the Lehman Brothers then the current world financial crises would never have happened..... "
There may be some truth in what she has said with regard to the recession and Lehman Brothers. This blog does not condone or condemn what she said, but the research our company has carried out recently has shown us that women do think differently - whether self employed or leaders of corporations. They are more cautious, more risk averse, more aware of work/life balance, but feel they might have worked harder to prove they "can do it"! On the basis of our research we have devised a half day course about women in business (and men are very welcome to attend) to learn a bit more about why women do things the way they do and could they take a few more risks to reap those all important rewards!

Food for thought:-
“Based on current trends, by 2020, something like 60 per cent of the UK’s millionaires will be women – whether it’s through divorce, inheritance or business.” Janette Anderson: Managing Director, Anderson Associates.

So whatever your thoughts on women in general, they are becoming more savvy and are here to stay!!

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