Monday 7 September 2009


The UK’s top PLCs are exposing themselves to the risk of fraud due to poor counter-measures, according to a new report.
New research by accounting firm MacIntyre Hudson and the Centre for Counter Fraud Studies at Portsmouth University found that of the 32 FTSE 100 companies surveyed, 55% of the capital could be at risk from fraud due to systematic weaknesses.

It also found that while 56% of those asked did have a counter-fraud strategy, more than half had no measures in place to review the effectiveness of such a strategy, reported the Telegraph.

Being aware of the increase in fraud at all levels during a recession we have created a workshop which strips processes back to basics and highlights where weaknesses might be found and give attendees the information and tools to use to return to the workplace more aware of what to look for when dealing with other staff, customers and suppliers. Suggested tools have already proved fruitful to one small business, with profits up and the culprit caught within a week! The workshop can be adapted for all levels of staff including FDs (strategic) through to the office junior.
For more information :-

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