Tuesday 8 June 2010

Business Continuity - Volcano

I will be presenting at the Herts Chamber of Commerce Breakfast meeting tomorrow (Wed 9th June) at Cheshunt Marriott.
Many businesses have lost money because they didn't have a Plan B in place when the volcanic ash struck. The whole world was affected, in the main because flight patterns could not continue as normal. Staff were in the wrong country - unable to communicate with offices, Staff shortages occurred within offices - Bookings were cancelled - supplies delayed.
Some hotels were able to break even as they had guests staying longer while others couldn't reach them, but it will take months for all payments to clear.
I don't think anyone could have forseen the volcanic implications, but some simple planning and communication could have allowed Plan B's to be put in place in advance of any incident affecting the area you are based in......................remember Buncefield.

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