Monday 30 March 2009

(Jacqui Smith) - Personal Expenses

No one can have failed to read/hear about Jacqui Smith's latest expenses saga. How a copy of the broadband statement/invoice came to be in the public domain is not our concern as we understand this will become a police matter, as it should. Whilst there are of course operational Risk issues surrounding information "leaks" relating to high profile persons, the main points which can be taken from this episode can be linked to personal expenses claims made by any individual, especially thoses trying to "sneak items below the radar".

Use this sorry example to clarify to colleagues what exactly are acceptable items on an expenses claim. Everyone is tightening their belts and while many items (the odd bottle of wine with a meal for 1!) would have slipped through the net in previous years, now's the time to be puting your house in order. There's no point in having a claim form completed in detail if no double check is made of the items listed. It might seem too much like "Big Brother" is watching, but how much are fraudulent/excessive claims costing you? Ask yourself the question - are the expenses spent on clients really reaping rewards for your organisation? Lastly, in relation to mileage claims - it's not 500 miles to Manchester from London (unless a detour was taken via Cardiff)!! For thoses authorising mileage claims - if you missed the geography lessons in school, try looking at a map.

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